Tribute 2024-10-09T12:01:24+00:00

Caro socio,

È con profonda tristezza che devo informarvi della scomparsa del nostro Direttore, Peter Brown, mio marito, padre della nostra giovane figlia e socio in affari. Un amico, collega, imprenditore e super uomo a tutto tondo. Morì improvvisamente l'8 agosto in ospedale.

Non avrebbe voluto che si facesse un polverone, quindi semplicemente volevo informarvi che Hosts International continuerà senza cambiamenti.

Peter amava lavorare ogni singolo giorno, non ha mai avuto intenzione di andare in pensione, la sua passione ed entusiasmo per l'azienda e il servizio sono rimasti invariati fino al suo ultimo giorno, dopo decenni di esperienza in molti ruoli nel settore dei PFU e nel corso della sua lunga carriera nelle vendite e negli affari.

Abbiamo reso Hosts International il principale fornitore di soggiorni in famiglia nel Regno Unito e in Irlanda e continuerà con lo stesso spirito. Era così orgoglioso della nostra azienda, i nostri clienti (molti di voi conosceranno il suo tabellone della lega!) e la nostra gente.

Peter era una persona vivace, pieno di vita ed energia, era sempre coinvolto, voleva essere, ogni singolo giorno, pensavamo che sarebbe stato sempre in giro, impressionava tutti coloro che incontrava e aveva sempre una storia da raccontare, aveva tempo per tutti ed era sempre interessato alle persone, amava i nostri clienti, ospiti e studenti! Aveva una lunga durata e forte, amichevole, rapporti personali con tanti di voi, i nostri compagni di scuola, agenti e il più ampio settore dell'ELT e dei viaggi di studio. So che l'industria e il settore saranno sminuiti da questa notizia.

Verrà ricordato per la sua amichevole, buffo personaggio del nord e lo diceva sempre così com'era, forse spesso con un linguaggio colorito ma era fedele a se stesso, il suo carisma e la sua straordinaria leadership, idee lungimiranti insieme al suo incessante atteggiamento positivo verso la crescita e i miglioramenti, che ha reso Hosts internazionale quello che è oggi.

Credeva fermamente nell'alloggio in famiglia ospitante (non gli piaceva il nome "alloggio in famiglia"!) come parte vitale dell’esperienza di ogni studente. Ha fatto una grande differenza per il settore grazie al suo impegno nel fornire opzioni di alloggio senza problemi alle scuole, consentendo loro di concentrarsi sulla scuola e non sulle sfide delle famiglie ospitanti o dell'alloggio. Siamo cresciuti, attraverso il bene, amichevole, servizio personalizzato e atteggiamento positivo con risposte rapide, che Peter ha cementato in tutti noi ogni giorno. Di conseguenza, ora siamo dall'altra parte 15 Sedi nel Regno Unito e in tutta Dublino, Irlanda e non aveva intenzione di fermarsi!

Il suo motto è sempre stato, “non importa cosa, è tutto come al solito”, e continuiamo la sua eredità. Me stessa, il mio team e Hosts International sono qui per te ora come prima. Voglio assicurarti, rimaniamo e continuiamo come prima.

Abbiamo organizzato una commemorazione, se desideri lasciare un omaggio online, puoi cliccare qui.

Parlerò personalmente con tutti voi a tempo debito, per ora, per favore, abbi pazienza, mentre lo prendo un po' lentamente. Sono sulla mia email.

Con cordiali saluti,



Not many people I have met in my life have made such a great impression on me. My respect for Peter was enormous and hearing of his passing genuinely knocked me hardPeter was properold skool”! Worked hard, played hard, didn’t put up with fools and wasters and never took his eyes off the ball. It was an honour and a privilege to know Peter and to work with him and to spend some time with him outside the office. Peter will be greatly missed. Big hug to Harsha x

Mark Stricklin

My sincere condolences to you Harsha and your family on the loss of Peter. May God give you strength to continue and peace that surpasses understanding

Wishing all Peter’s family a long happy and healthy life, with only fond memories of an extraordinary individual.
Mark Wagner
In a world of so much puff and self-promotion, Peter was the perfect antidote. His outstanding ability to puncture these bubbles of pomposity was wonderful to behold. With a tremendous sense of humour and an unparalleled grasp of Anglo-Saxon vernacular he could humble the mighty and frankly make me cry with laughter. Peter was a talented and insightful entrepreneur who truly could meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters the same. I’ll miss you old chap.
Neil Harvey

I’m deeply sorry to hear about Peter’s loss. My thoughts and prayers are with the family during this difficult time.

Francesca Risi - Lord Byron

Dear Peter, You and Alain Delon both in the same weekThe Heavens surely wanted a double dose of charm and sparkle to feast onWe consider ourselves lucky to have known you, to have been your friends, to have been in your home and to have had you in ours. There was always more to know about youabout your strength, about your will, about your character, about your heritage, about your young spiritForever young, you shall remain forever present for those who knew you, for those who loved youThank you for having been part of our lives and for having touched so many others’. Rest in peace, dear Peter

Mariya, Chris and the children

Remembering Peter with great respect as my mentor and teacher in my early life in UK. My deepest condolences to Harsha and family. May God bless everyone. (1999 student-Millenium City Accodemy)

Rahulan Shan

Dear Harsha and family, My thoughts are with you all at this difficult time. I have such wonderful memories of working togetherthe energy and passion that Peter had for life was truly amazingan incredible man and an inspiration who we will always remember fondly.

Stephen Bird

When Peter was sleeping for a really long time, me and Georgie said to him “can you buy us a fish and a rabbit” and he said “yes” in his sleep! We thought that was hilarious 🙂 We all miss you Peter but promise to look after Harsha and Georgie from Lilia xxxxxxxx


Dear Harsha My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

Rose Benskin

Dear Harsha and Family I am so sorry to hear the very sad news of Peter’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May Peter’s wonderful legacy live on.

Tina Neadley: Sistemazione in famiglia

Peter was an amazing boss and so much more. He was a friend, a mentor and a kind person, always chirpy with something funny to say. A cheeky one liner to make you smile He gave me work opportunities and always believed in my abilities, I will forever be grateful to have met Peter and the impact he has had on my life. I will miss his guidance and his passion for Hosts International. My thoughts and prayers are with Harsha, Georgie and all of Peters extended family and friends. Peter will forever be fondly remembered, from ‘the middle of bl**dy nowhere’ in rural Ireland as he would call it May Peter rest in eternal peace Love always, Christina


Sorry for your loss Harsha we will keep you in our thoughts.

Lorraine and Tony Herbert

Dear Harsha My deepest condolences to you and the family. May he rest in peace and may you find strength and comfort . With love and prayer.

Sheri Vaziri

I didn’t know Peter, my thoughts go to all those who did. The tributes paint a picture of an amazing person who will be missed.


A great man in his ingenuity and dedication. Broght so much opportunity to so many. I shared with him the best experiences of my academic career and so valued his friendship. Whether it was Talaban bullets , Chinese entrepreneurs, Nepalise villages without electricity, The British Inspection Council ,our French partners, the Home Secretery and every other challenge he met them all . Unique and irreplacable!

Professor Bartley Culverwell

It will be three weeks tomorrow, but it is still hard to believe that Peter left us. He was such a strong person, who always showed up in the office (even just a day after a surgery or illness) and motivated everyone. I am so thankful to be able to say that I have known Peter for the past 8 anni; he is such a close and dear person to me. My thoughts and deepest condolences are with Harsha and Georgie who were dearest to Peter, please stay strong always.


Remembering Peter with such fondness and respect. Sending my sincere condolences and love to Harsha and family. X

Sian Matos

Harsha my sincere condolences to you and your family so sorry for your lost Lot of Love.

Linda King

“Peter, you can’t say that!” seems to be the phrase that I said to Peter most often. He was a funny (often outrageous), calorosa, genuine, generous and kind man, and we’re really sad to hear of his passing. From visits to his office, to a relaxed weekend in Grange-over-Sands, we really enjoyed Peter’s company. Sending love to Harsha at this difficult time.

Hannah and Nick
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