Programma di immersione scolastica
Hosts International is very pleased and incredibly proud to be able to offer a wonderful school immersion programme tailored for students of both primary and secondary school age. This enriching and exciting immersion programme gives young learners the opportunity to truly experience school life here in the UK for approximately 2 per 4 settimane di tempo, or even longer, depending on their preferences. During their time here, students are presented with the chance to embrace and immerse themselves in a different culture, significantly improve their English language skills through practice and exposure, and form meaningful new friendships with peers from diverse backgrounds.

Che cos'è un programma di immersione scolastica
A school immersion programme will give students the unique opportunity and the incredible chance to attend a UK school alongside British students; participate in lessons, and get fully involved in the wide range of social activities that the school has to offer. Students will be carefully placed in either day schools or independent boarding schools, depending on the location, preferences, and budget. We work in close partnership with a variety of different schools across numerous locations in the UK, ensuring the students are always presented with the very best options available, tailored to their needs and interests. This experience allows them to truly embrace British school life, broaden their horizons, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

L'alloggio mentre sono iscritti a questo programma può essere un imbarco presso la scuola o con gli inglesi famiglie ospitanti.
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