博客 2022-01-27T17:25:15+00:00


Homeowners thinking of offering homestay accommodation to international students may have heard any number of rumours or misunderstandings commonly in circulation. 特别, 近来, as a result of government policies or speculation over the long term [...]

通过 | 9月30日, 2016|博客|

国际学生如何避免成为租赁骗局的目标, 房东的麻烦和最后一刻的失望!

国际学生成为全国头条新闻. 体面的短缺日益增加, affordable student accommodation has seen a rash of rental scams, 旨在吸引伦敦和其他大学城的弱势学生, 如剑桥和曼彻斯特. [...]

通过 | September 16th, 2016|博客|


夏天结束了-大学开始了! And quite a few freshers arriving in town at the start of the new academic year will soon be moving into their hosted homestay student accommodation. 他们是幸运者! As the [...]

通过 | 9月2日, 2016|博客|

等待考试结果时延迟找到房间? 保持冷静并进行… 安排寄宿家庭!

传统上,八月的第三周是英国高中生收到其GCSE和A Level成绩的时间. Now it really is time for those who achieved the grades they needed for university [...]

通过 | August 19th, 2016|博客|
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