博客 2022-01-27T17:25:15+00:00

5 寄宿家庭是体验英国生活方式的理想方式的原因

With over thousands of students coming to UK to learn English and improve their language skills, most students want to experience the holistic culture of British living. 就像他们说的, when in Rome do as the Romans [...]

通过 | 9月25日, 2018|博客|

国际学生! 放学和家庭压力: 选择无压力寄宿家庭!

选择寄宿家庭可以帮助国际学生减少心理健康问题,这些问题可能影响当今所有学生的四分之一. There can be many different reasons why an international student might prefer [...]

通过 | 4月13日, 2018|博客|
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