博客 2022-01-27T17:25:15+00:00

随着越来越多的国际学生在英国学习,寄宿家庭变得忙碌 2015-16

国际学生一直在用脚投票! 是, 来自世界各地的年轻男女仍选择在英国的大学学习. Visa conditions may have been getting tougher but that has [...]

通过 | January 20th, 2017|博客|

国际学生如何看待在英国留学的未来 – 调查显示!

布雷西! 拿饼干 (“特别糟糕”) –还是冒险?? UK college principals seem to be currently uncertain what the long term future will bring and homestay accommodation providers are sure to be [...]

通过 | 考文特花园圣诞灯 1, 2016|博客|
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