We wanted to say hi and remind you that we are always here for you if needed.
We thought we would send you some updated essential information. Some of you are watching the news and we recommend watching the BBC news while living in the UK. And in this email, we give you some more information on what can you do while we are in lockdown in the UK.

Our Contacts
Head Office: 020 7734 4884
Edinburgh: 0131 659 9966
Dublin: 00 353 1 531 4817
Opening Hours
Mon – Fri 09.00 – 17.00
Out-of-office Line
+44 (0) 7799693566

Don’t forget to get some fresh air daily – you are allowed to go for a walk or exercise only (not for social gathering).

We also hope you have your groceries shopping sorted, Iceland supermarket is offering more online slots, Click and collect is also available and other resources may be Amazon Prime as well. Please let us know if you need any additional help.

Please remember, we have accommodation options available if you need to stay longer than booked or wish to extend your stays. If you know of any other students or friends who are in need of assistance or accommodation, please refer them to us – we will be happy to help and advise.
Please stay safe and at home and contact us in case you need any additional support.